Sunday, November 12, 2006

I guess I should catch up before posting about this coming week. Its been a little busy around here and I haven't been very good about posting on here.

Wednesday we had the dry rub chicken and it came out really good. The seasonings didn't get as far into the meat as I would have liked, but it was still pretty tasty over all. I liked it. We made baked potatoes to go with it instead of a pasta salad, but I suck at making those, and it took like 4x as long as it took for the whole chicken to cook!

Thursday we went out shopping so when we got home we decided to make the greek chicken instead of the salad. And as always the gyros were delicious! I love them, and that rice pilaf is to die fore I swear.

Friday we finally did have that chicken salad, and I have to say I was very diappointed with it. It is the first cooking light recipe that I have actually disliked. It was a little sad because I thought I was going to love every recipe I've tried so far. But as Kristyn put it, it tasted like Subway's Tuna...ICK!

We went out to dinner last night. yum.

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